Equipment & Technology...
Below are our articles on the subject of Equipment & Technology. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Choosing the Right Computer Games for Your Child
Computer games don't have to have a negative impact on your child, choose the right games and you can enhance their development while they're having fun....

Does Your Child Need a Home Computer?
By not having a home computer are you putting your child at a disadvantage?...

Fact Sheet: Computer Software for Kids
This simple fact sheet is an introduction to computer software for kids. It covers health, education, entertainment and choice....

Fact Sheet: Setting Up a Computer for Your Child
Get your child off to a good start with this straightforward fact sheet....

Get your Child the Right Equipment
Make sure your computer set up is good for your child....

New Technology - Computers for Kids
Are you thinking of getting your child their own computer? With a huge range of options on the market how do you decide what to buy?...

New Technology and Your Child
Do you understand the implications of the technology your child uses?...

Protect Your Computer from Your Child!
It's all very well worrying about the impact computers have on our kids, but what about the impact our children have on our computers?...